Google is setting a new trend in promoting its very own browser Chrome by deploying innovative and low-cost measures.
Most avid users would list three webpages that they use frequently i.e. Google Search, Mail (usually Gmail) and Orkut (many more users compared to Facebook!). Keeping this in mind, Google probably has started a pilot to promote Chrome by constantly reminding the users of its presence and giving a quick link to an easy download.
You can't miss Chrome on Google Search (see red box below):

And they wouldn't give-up if you don't. They have other ways to get this done (see red box below):

And when you have finally downloaded, it does exclaim 'bravo!' (see red box below):

So why should Google pilot the cross-promotion of Chrome with Search and Orkut? Well, Search because it is the least intrusive and the most popular. Orkut because it can fun, funny and extremely informal as contrary to something very personal such as Gmail. Also, I believe it makes more sense to implement Adsense in Gmail than promote Chrome. Any thoughts?